Interaksi Sosial, Kelurahan Cigugur, Kabupaten Kuningan, Pemeluk AgamaAbstract
Penelitian ini dilakukan di kelurahan Cigugur karena termasuk wilayah yang pluralis dan masyarakat hetrogen. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah : Observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui Kerukunan yang terbina di Kelurahan Cigugur mereka berprinsip: Perbedaan keyakinan itu timbul dari kebenaran hatinya dan keyakinan masing-masing pemeluk agama. Adanya faktor keturunan yang membuat kondusipnya Kelurahan Cigugur. Dalam hal ini fakta sosial di masyarakat adanya identitas agama yang berbeda dalam satu rumah. Warga masyarakat yang berbeda pemeluk agamanya memiliki sifat kegotong-royongan yang membuat penduduk itu bisa rukun. Apabila ada satu kelurahan mengadakan kegiatan perbaikan jalan, membangun Masjid, warga tersebut mendukungnya terhadap kegiatan tersebut, baik secara moril maupun materil atau secara financial semampuhnya mereka, tanpa membedakan agama. Dalam siklus kehidupan (Kelahiran, Sunatan, Pernikahan, dan Kematian), warga kelurahan Cigugur nampak adanya kebersamaan, sikap toleransi terhadap perbedaan agama, dan adanya kerja sama.
Kata kunci: Toleransi, Umat Beragama, Interaksi, Cigugur
This research was conducted in the Cigugur village because it is a pluralist region and a heterogeneous community. The research instruments used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the results of the study it can be seen that harmony is built in Cigugur Village because they have principles. The difference in beliefs arises from the truth of his heart, and the beliefs of each religion. There are hereditary factors that make the Cigugur Village conducive. In this case, social facts in the community indicate the existence of different religious identities in one house. Members of different religious communities have a mutual cooperation that can make the residents harmonious. If there is a village that conducts road improvement activities, builds a mosque, the residents support it, morally and materially, or financially as much as they can, regardless of religion. In the life cycle (birth, circumcision, marriage, and death), residents of the Cigugur village appear to be together. They are tolerant of religious differences, and also there is cooperation.
Keywords: Tolerance, Religious People, Interaction, Cigugur